Optional Project 32

Hi there! In this project I will be using QGIS to create a map of Prince Edward Island using data about the island. To start I needed to download QGIS onto my mac which I was able to do by installing it, this took about ten minutes. I also needed to download the data that I would use which was accessible through Elearning. Once both were downloaded I created a new map and could get started.

First I needed to import the data into the map so I selected create new layer and was able to locate it through my recent downloads. The first file I wanted to add is called “QGIS/coastline_polygon.dbf,” by selecting this the coastline of the island appeared.

The image was filled in so I double clicked the side tab and changed to “No Brush” and the image appeared with just the black boarder.

Next I added all of the other layers that I would need in this project. This would be difficult to work with so I deselected the layers I wouldn’t need right away to make it more manageable.

Once I only had the layer selected that I would work on right away, I wanted to change the color to blue because it would best represent the waterways. To do this I double clicked the right side bar tab and changed the line color to blue.

This is what it looked like after that.

Next I selected the “lot_township_polygon” and it appeared on my map, however it was filled in. To get rid of this I went into the style section again and selected “No Brush” like I did with the first layer.

This is what the map looked like after the last step.

Next I added the region layer but needed to change it from “Single Symbol” to “Categorized.” To do this I double clicked the layer I wanted and changed the first dropdown menu to “Categorized” and then changed the second dropdown to “Landuse.” Then I changed the colors to green on the “Color ramp.”

This is what the map looked like after adding this layer.

Next I added the highways onto the map. I changed the color to yellow the same way that I have changed the colors in the other layers. Below is what the map looked like with the highways added.

Next I added the place names onto the map. To do this I wanted the dots to be red so I selected the red marker and altered the size so it would appear on my map. This created the points on the map, but I also needed place names. To do this I selected the labels tab from the side to see the place names. I kept the default font and added a buffer so the words were easier to see.

After those steps this is what my map looked like.

Lastly, I just needed to include the 1927 map onto my map. Below is my final map with all layers added.


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